Monday, October 17, 2011


I do not believe in God
Well… at least not the anarchic one that we know
Not the capital ‘G’ of narcissism
Who damned Lucifer to hell.
But I do believe in God
Someone not judgmental for who we are
Larger force beyond infinity
The clash of Anti matter-science-theological Being (I like Dan Brown)
Is too horrible to imagine but Yes!
Something quite closer to it or far better,
With a sense, a feeling, a touch, a beauty, everything,
 Yes, I do.
I do believe in God,
Who is within you, within me
And everywhere.
He is the circle that we run around,
The Unexplained Creation.
The Son,
Every possible and impossible thing.
Beyond the imagination of a weakling brain.
A better soul than what we human call God.


Wriggle thee, my child
From the womb
With unconscious eyes.
Pure scent of ‘Tabula Rasa’
Fading away
In front of the wolfish eyes
Of Priests, mentors, messiahs and ideologies.
Total purity
Guillotined in the Garden of Bonsai…
Oozing the immortality
Of utter innocence.
 And throwing the left over
Into the process of Socialization:
Re-incarnating a member
That answers not for nature
But for all the mafia-institutions.
Fate !
Is yours my child !


I am what I am
True  !
People call me selfish.
May be they talk sense after all!
But I can’t help
Being what I am,
Standing for my needs, wants and selections
And for myself all together.
The Altruistic Hells burn
Inviting me to utter misery
For being disobedient,
Promising me eternal suffering
For not dumping the responsibility on Eve
(Or wasn’t it the serpent who messed everything up?)
And for not trying to crawl back
To the Garden from where my ancestors were chased out.
Despite promised damnation
I dare seek Freedom;
Not the one they promised
But the one I could trust and feel within my nature.